Rest Time
All Children in care for more than 4 hours are required by state law to have a rest period while in childcare. Our rest period is designed based on the needs of the age of the child. To avoid disturbing the children who are napping, please try to avoid scheduling pick-ups during this time unless necessary (between 1-3pm). If you must pick up your child during quiet time, please notify your child’s teacher in advance so that we may have your child ready when you arrive.
Infants are provided with individual cribs. To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), infants are put to sleep in their cribs on their backs, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Blankets, swaddling blankets, pillows, quilts, comforters, stuffed toys, positional wedges, and other soft items are not allowed in the cribs. You may provide a sleep sack for your child if needed.
For Toddlers and Preschoolers, we will provide each child with their own mat. You will need to provide us with a sheet (crib size) and blanket. If your child has a special stuffed animal/doll to sleep with, they will be allowed to use them during this time. All items must fit in a labeled drawstring sized bag. Children who do not fall asleep after 30 minutes or wake early will be given/directed to quiet activities that will not disturb other sleeping children. It is mandatory that all children at least rest.
Nap Bags – We provide each child with a drawstring bag for storing his or her own mat sheet and any other items that may be needed for naptime. Each Nap Bag should go home on Fridays (or your last scheduled day) to wash the mat sheets and whenever they are wet or soiled. We ask that you take home any other blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals to wash regularly at home as well. If you inadvertently take your child’s drawstring bag home, please return it to the school the next morning, as your child needs it for naptime.
Philosophy & Mission
We are so excited you have decided to have your family join ours!! Here at Bright Beginnings our teachers are passionately dedicated to ensuring your child is cared for in a nurturing and educational environment.